Expand your skillset with a microcredential course at VU.

Microcredentials are short courses that allow you to acquire industry-relevant skills and customise your career development.

The narrow focus of a microcredential course makes them an ideal addition to your current study commitments.

 VU students at City Tower, one writing in a planner.

Why study a microcredential course?

Microcredentials are fast, focused and more affordable than other learning pathways.

Studying a microcredential allows you to:

  • earn while you learn
  • develop skills on the side, to complement your course
  • potentially stack microcredentials to build a unique skillset.

Studying a microcredential can benefit both your personal and career development. You can broaden your resume, or simply pursue an interest.

We'd love to hear from you

Considering a microcredential course at VU?

Tell us a little about you and what you're interested in studying.

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 First aid being performed in a learning environment.