Need to build up your networking and collaboration skills? VU has a range of researcher development opportunities that focus on networking and collaboration. They are targeted primarily at the graduate and early career researcher but may also be relevant to academic staff new to VU or new to research.

Researcher development sessions

Within the networking and collaboration category we run sessions and programs throughout the year focusing on:

  • networking instruments and practical tips
  • speed networking
  • building international relationships
  • social and networking events.

For more information about scheduled sessions (including how to register) see the Researcher Development Program calendar.

Doctoral industry placements

We support a range of industry experiences for graduate researchers, including industry placements. The Doctoral Industry Placement Program (DIPP) allows students to engage with industry, apply transferrble skills gained as part of their research studies, and develop professional competencies. It is an opportunity to develop professional networks and strengthen future career opportunities.