Life Drawing

    Unit code: ACF1003 | Study level: Undergraduate
    (Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
    Footscray Nicholson
    Online Real Time


    This unit is an intensive series of traditional studio-based classes in which students develop skills in drawing and painting inspired by observational practices using a range of media. Students will acquire proficiency in visual techniques and languages. Practical studio projects will develop the skills of drawing including the ability to: depict proportions, perspective and control the placement of the figure in space. Composition, mark-making, colour, texture, tone and contour will be developed in the work. Workshops will address related historical, theoretical and philosophical studies and introduce observation as a methodology with broad applications for visual art production and research. This unit will also include an optional module where students can elect to either draw from nude-male and nude-female models in the studio, or complete an alternative learning module utilising forms from the natural environment. Students will complete and archive studio projects and visual exercises to create a comprehensive folio of drawings for assessment. The final presentation will consist of artworks created in class that represent the highest standards achieved by the student.

    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

    1. Create finished artworks incorporating observations of life, corresponding with accepted standards of traditional drawing practices using a variety of materials and art production techniques;
    2. Interpret and engage creatively with a range of practical studio drawing projects;
    3. Apply the observational methodologies, principles and techniques of traditional drawing to their individual art-making;
    4. Analyse the qualities of works of art produced and articulate this effectively to others; and
    5. Practise the principles of sustainable, safe professional studio practice for effective collaborative and individual artistic production.

    Study as a single unit

    This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

    Learn more about single units of study at VU


    For Melbourne campuses

    Assessment type: Exercise
    Grade: 25%
    Life drawings (2 drawings)
    Assessment type: Creative Works
    Grade: 30%
    Draft Folio with commentary - two resolved Drawings
    Assessment type: Exercise
    Grade: 10%
    Safety in the Studio (2 observations)
    Assessment type: Portfolio
    Grade: 35%
    Two resolved art work presentations

    Required reading

    There are no required texts for this unit. Relevant readings and other materials will be provided in class and on VU Collaborate

    As part of a course

    This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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