Introduction to Sport and Active Recreation

    Unit code: SSM1101 | Study level: Undergraduate
    (Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
    City Campus
    Footscray Park


    This unit introduces students to the breadth of sport and active recreation in Australia. It contributes to an understanding of definitions, theories and principles specific to the sport and active recreation. Students gain an understanding of the structure and role of government, community organisations and businesses in sport and recreation service delivery. Through debating contemporary issues this unit also assists students to develop a personal and professional philosophy about sport and active recreation service delivery.

    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

    1. Explain definitions, theories and principles related to sport and active recreation;
    2. Investigate sport and active recreation services in Australia and discuss how these services fit within the community context;
    3. Articulate the roles of government, non-profit and commercial organisations in the delivery of local and national sport and active recreation services;
    4. Reflect upon direct experiences of sport/recreation and relate these to the studied theories/contexts; and,
    5. Collaborate to locate, analyse and present contemporary sport or active recreation issues.

    Study as a single unit

    This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

    Learn more about single units of study at VU


    For Melbourne campuses

    Assessment type: Other
    Grade: 10%
    Group mind map of a contemporary sport and recreation issue
    Assessment type: Essay
    Grade: 50%
    Reflective essay based on lifestyle journal
    Assessment type: Presentation
    Grade: 40%
    Group presentation and individual responses

    Required reading

    Selected readings will be made available via the unit VU Collaborate site.

    As part of a course

    This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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