Australian Health and Social Care Systems and Policy

    Unit code: HHB1204 | Study level: Undergraduate
    (Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
    St Albans


    This unit introduces students to the Australian healthcare system and policies. It explores the public versus private health sectors and the role of the different levels of government in healthcare delivery. It demonstrates how Australian healthcare systems compare with other regional and global health systems. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the diversity of the health workforce, health management and health decision making in Australia. Students are introduced to some key international health policies that inform local health policies. It introduces health policy development process and role of stakeholders in policy.

    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

    1. Explain the policy development processes in relation to the Australian health policy;
    2. Examine how the Australian healthcare system functions;
    3. Investigate the Australian health workforce and the roles and responsibilities of the different stake holders;
    4. Discuss how Australia’s health policies align with regional and other global health policies.

    Study as a single unit

    This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

    Learn more about single units of study at VU


    For Melbourne campuses

    Assessment type: Test
    Grade: 30%
    Three Quizzes (15 minutes each)
    Assessment type: Assignment
    Grade: 40%
    Assignment (equivalent 1,500 words submitted in two stages)
    Assessment type: Presentation
    Grade: 30%
    Group poster pitch (20 minutes per group)

    Required reading

    The Australian health care system
    Duckett, S., & Willcox, S. (2015)| South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford University Press

    As part of a course

    This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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