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Scott Murray

My name is Scott Murray, I’m the Manager of Pathways & Retention in the Employability & Success Team here at Victoria University. The thing that students like most about the pathways program is the fact that it gives them some certainty. But additionally I think the best thing about pathways is, it gives students that flexibility.

So when we’re talking about pathways at VU, we’re really talking about the connections that we make between Victoria University Polytechnic course, so TAFE courses and our university bachelor degrees. Victoria University has established over 80 different pathways across Health, Biomedicine, Sports, Business, Law, basically in every academic college we have Bachelor degrees, we have Victoria University Polytechnic courses that connect up with them offering entry in credit in to those courses. So some fantastic opportunities across just about every sector and course and discipline that we have at VU.

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Guaranteed entry

Scott Murray

Guaranteed entry is the peace of mind that we give to students who might be studying in a particular certificate or diploma or advanced diploma course. If they go in to that course and there is a pathway that’s been set up, that means that the student has peace of mind that as soon as they finish their course and graduated with their qualification, they got a guaranteed place in the Bachelor degree. So they don’t have to worry about applying, they don’t have to worry about if they’ve got a place, it’s guaranteed as long as they finish that eligible course at the TAFE level

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Credit Transfer

Scott Murray

When students are studying in the Polytechnic and they are acquiring practical skills and knowledge in their particular discipline, when they move in to an eligible bachelor course, we at the university recognize they are able to achieve competencies and they’re able to demonstrate knowledge and learning that they’ve achieved that matches with units that will be taught in the bachelor degree. So rather than make them go over that course material again, we recognize the skills and training and work that they’ve already put in and we recognize that by giving them credit. And it also recognizes the cost and the training and the work that the students already put in.

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Scott Murray

VU Polytechnic courses are all set up to give students the opportunities as soon as they graduate to enter the workplace, which is a fantastic outcome. The flexibility that then gives them is that they can choose to work or they can choose to work and study or they can choose to put work on hold for a while and commit to 2 years or 3 years of further study to graduate with a Bachelor degree.

So we have students that often will finish their VU Polytechnic course, want to start and then choose to study part time because their VU Polytechnic course gives them the capacity to earn while they’re learning in their Bachelor degree.

There’s a whole range of different lengths of study that students can commit to and a whole range of different skills that they can acquire along the way.

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Graduate Opportunities

Scott Murray

Ultimately when a student finishes a bachelor degree they might have pathwayed in to, when they put that on their resume, they can also put their TAFE qualification alongside it. And so what that says to an employer is, not only do I have the academic background of having completed a 3 or 4 year bachelor degree, but I’ve also been able to demonstrate really sound practical skills that I’ve developed over the course of my VU Polytechnic course. So a student is bringing both the academic and the practical together, demonstrating they’ve been able to complete 2 very different styles of course and a really well prepared for the type of career that they are pursuing.

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Why VU

Scott Murray

The community aspect of VU can’t be underestimated. It really does give so many different people from all different backgrounds the opportunity to learn to study to gain qualifications, to gain confidence and to go out in to the world and contribute to their communities and get the kind of employment and careers that they’re looking for.

Choose VU because it really is all about student opportunities.

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The New Way To Do Uni