
Kav Dassanayake

Success to me means outperforming myself and being able to do something that I wasn't able to do before.

My name's Kav Dassanayake. I'm a Graduate Engineer at the Level Crossing removal Authority or LXRA.

I'm currently rotating through the safety team. It's all in the rail systems space involving the deployment of substations, overhead structures, signals.

I studied a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. What I enjoyed about the course was probably the design and practice units which was based around problem-based learning.

What I developed in my final year of uni was a keyless home security system, which eliminates the need of your general house key and incorporates a smartphone as means of gaining access.

It was definitely challenging but I think probably the one of the most rewarding projects I undertook. It taught me to understand the problem first. Research, consult and develop the right solutions to execute.

What motivates me is the amount of effort and work that goes into building these large-scale infrastructure projects. From a set of requirements to drawings, and then just seeing it just get built from ground up.

Looking back VU was the perfect choice. They made me workforce ready.


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Kav's goal is to further contribute as a project engineer in the Level Crossing Removal Project and Metro Tunnel Project.

Make your career breakthrough into engineering.

Victoria University, Melbourne Australia.